Saturday, March 29, 2008

updates again

i wonder if i have recuperate from all the hours of sleep?

although it's sunny and kinda humid today, i am wearing a sweater??!! Erge called me and i was still in a daze. my eyes just couldn't open....paisey, erge......thanks for your concern still....

i began to think about my heavy workload. i want to run away but i can't. i want to take a break but i have to wait??? then i should drop this idea....the reason i wanna break is to get away from work immediately, not wait until my shipments are out, because by the time shipments are out, then i am more relax and i don't see the urge to run away....i am struggling from missing details, missing this and that, everything is in a total mess.....haiyoh...and i am still trying to fit those charts...trying to know the new accounts better, and the factories are really a hard nut to crack....not helpful.....

am i holding on to too many active ones? can someone take away portion of my work? i only can cope with that many hands (2 only). i am not an octopus with more hands (tentacles).... today, i suddenly want to break down and cry. Maybe it is because DIL is not around to laugh with me. I miss her.....where is she? i hardly have a relaxing time at the office. i know that i shouldn't be complaining but i need to sound myself out. i really missed my lady of leisure days/ work, just shopping, lazing, cooking, baking, vacations......

my toe is injured...i tripped over the marble bar while going to the toilet...OUCH! it hurt! i am limping a little because the pressure made it more painful...sniff sniff....
Still, after writing, i felt much must have lifted me, carried me like a little baby and petting me on my back......ok, i am fine now......

ok, 2 pictures this time...

my painted gel nails..i'm changing this weekend again........

my injured toe...ouch ouch ouch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AYO! Must take care of yourself you know!

I can feel what you are feeling right now. I have all the projects coming up and all the datelines and the exams are all piling up but im leaving things to GOD. He will make time for me. =) So should you! Pray to him about the problems you have and he will make a way!