Sunday, March 2, 2008

shopping spree - O.M.G

is it depression or it is just for the sake of owning it? i walked into Sogo to the Biotherm counter to get a concealer because my dark rings...sniff is getting obvious now. After paying for it, i went to the 2nd floor to look at more stuff and a Longchamp bag caught my attention, but the price was around HK$4900 after discount. Somehow, i didn't quite it so i went on walking and found myself on the 1st floor again. And my legs walked me into Prada.
the initial plan of just buying a concealer

Hmmm, nice stuff they have this season. And i walked to the shoes counter and asked for my size. But because their warehouse was upstairs, it will take a while for the shoes to get to the shop. And so i waited, started walking around again. AND a bag caught my attention! so i picked it up and look at the mirror...hmmm, not bad, the price was HK$5400. The service guy also recommended the other size but somehow this one suited me better. The shoes came and somehow it didn't fit and i asked for a smaller size. Again i had to wait. I went around again and decided that i will get myself a nice Prada shades. And after trying so many pairs, i settled for one which is really me and the price was HK$2000...hehehehe....And then, me and my itchy-fart mouth, turning to the service guy, i said that i wanted a nice accessory for the bag. After running thru most of the accessories, i settled for this cute heart full of beadings. Ooh, my total damages was HK$8600. But you know what, i think that i am happy about it. I will post the pictures a.s.a.p.....and you will agree that it is worth it.

my first yes to this bag!

the 2nd yes to this pair....

this is my itchy-fart mouth looking for an accessory....LOLs
and the last stop was Sasa, looking for lipgloss. Picked up 3 colors, went straight to the counter. The cashier saw me, took my lipgloss, but she suddenly attended to her colleague who talked to her. After she finished, she couldn't even remembered that i was standing there. And then came a domestic helper placing her stuff on the counter. So the cashier asked who was here first, cheekily the helper said that she was. I just turned around and said that i was here first, so please know your queue. I wonder if she understands. I am not humilating anyone but she does need to know some manners.
my 3 new lipgloss :)
oh, accompanied cyn to the hospital because she had abdomen pains. Too bad, my doctor wasn't on duty, so she had to see another doctor who wasn't that got medicine for 3 days, so hopefully the pain will go away.

i had mui choy with steamed minced pork and rice while cyn had the clay pot. it was delicious. I really like my meal and kept some for tomorrow's lunch...heheheheheheh

awww, the weekend ended just like that. I will be busy like a bumble bee for the whole of next week. Father God, please grant me wisdom and strength for my work, help me be more organize than before, may favors fall on my side with these 2 new accounts. Thank you for the countless blessings....Amen.

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