Friday, February 29, 2008


you came back tipsy. what are you trying to prove? WTF!
Hello, you are not in your teens anymore. Cannot understand your friends at times, must drink until the whole body becomes wobbly, cannot stand up, cannot walk straight, worst, talking nothing but nonsense.

don't start with me again. what do you mean you got tipsy because you didn't know what was on my mind? WTF has the drinking got to do with me??? Yes, i admit that i was upset but your drinking should not be your reason of me getting angry? WTFF!

i don't care what you eat, whether it is just a bowl of porridge and then you all proceeded for drinking. i don't even want to know who they are. And how can you not know that your drinks got mixed? What kind of reply is that?

i dislike people who doesn't know how to hold their drinks. What good does it make them? nothing but a bunch of silly fools making themselves so low in public. Call me proud, i don't care...these are what my thoughts are.

drinking should be a form of relaxation, not gulping down glasses after glasses or mixing them together. Gone were those days whereby we can consume more than limit. Gone were those days whereby our body system can take the excessive liquid. For goodness sake, value yourself.

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