Friday, April 25, 2008

Awwwww, no title again?

it's been a tough week again, but thanks God, it is already weekend without work.
woke up and felt a sharp pain on my lower back. I yelled in agony but there wasn't anyone. Cyn and Uncle left for their trips. So, I had to rest until I was more comfortable to get up from the toilet!!!

it could be my posture all these while. I don't think that the side effects of my medicine are the cause.
Going to office only to find out that the server was down and MIS can only come after lunch. So at least, it gave me time to do some filing. Read those emails via the HTC, and talking about HTC, i lost the stylus sad, got to find a replacement but where???
i made some cookies......chewy oatmeal. I am waiting for it to cool down before storing away. I got a jar for Clinton. I will make some for Bernard next week...
Cherie will be baptist tomorrow, i got just the right gift for her...hope that she will like the gift. She is still young, a long way to go..... my baptism will be fun as mum wants to fly over...then i will throw my party and mum can cook her famous "bak kng" and "kam chye duck"....ahhh, drooling........
ok, massage time......happy week ahead.....
look, little dino, so small and light as a feather....
this is pebbles, she is already 13 yrs old....she has dropped fur, she is still very active, but blind. she looks like a sheep now.....
this is mummy quincy.....taken during CNY 08...she didn't want to take with the Rat figurines as it reminded her of Gege, so i made her stand beside this cherry blossom.....

Eway's new office opening, but cynthia said that i cannot eat them as they were blessed by the Chinese Deities......

had to wear the face mask every time i go for checks in the hospital. I must be boring that i had to snap this????? hahahahahah

hazy hong kong.......

can you see kowloon?? the weather was bad that day......

the straight looking first time eating it and i puked.....

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