Monday, April 21, 2008

4/19 SAHK DND 2008

It was T3 on sat, 4/19 and we are having a DnD at the Conrad....But how am I to make it? It was pouring and it was flooding outside my balcony with at least 6 inches of water!!!! the pipings must be made poorly. Why aren't the waters flowing down? How, how, how am I to make it there?

I decided that I will put on my jeans instead, so if i get totally soak, i still have my black one to wear for the dinner. Thanks God, i managed to whisk myself there on time for the briefing. The ballroom was made up beautifully. It was impressive. I was to sit with WY, Maggie to register names and hand out their lucky draw tickets. Well, you can expect a total mess. WY had a good idea, split the tables. So I paired with WY while Maggie paired with Michelle. Haiyoh, this Michelle doesn't seem to understand our thoughts. WY clearly mentioned that tables 1 to 10, send the guests to our side while tables 11 onwards, should go to their side. Still, she was asking me to give out tickets e.g table 3. Hello!!!! Table 3 doesn't belong to your side, send them here, GET IT? No, she doesn't understand....Nevermind....WY reminded them again....

Anyway, to cut it short, we finished giving out the tickets from our side and we are left with just 1 ticket...yippee.....while theirs had lots of tickets left....

Comedian Kumar was superb! Good job, clap hands clap hands...bravo bravo..we enjoyed much...Food was good although I am not a Chinese food lover. The postre was excellent tho, finished by a nice merlion graphic chocolate....yum yum....

oh, talking about yum yum, we did a "yum seng" but it wasn't that fun. Kumar was "huh??"...ok, no need for another time. Sit down. He was also poking at the server for not putting on a smile. But they obviously didn't know that he was referring to!

Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, got to sleep now.......

Can my 2 friends talk to each other? why get upset because of a little misunderstanding? Haiyoh haiyoh..... Must pray for them to let go of any grudges....Oh Father God, please touch and soften their hearts. I want them to talk and be happy like before. I missed the laughter, the buggings, etc.... Each of us got our stress, but we shouldn't carry over for long and throw our shits at each other. I pray for their reconciliation.

look, and he said that he was deeply in thoughts......Nah, he just dozed off.....

my friends, that's he, she, she, and

WY, Mag and Kristin

Eleanor and Cyn

That's ME!!!!!! look how happy i am.....nowadays!

the postre worth waiting for......que bueno!!!

the merlion graphic chocolate that went straight into my deep unknown...hehehehe

the future sexiest couple!

mum and daugther

and who got the fish? she, of course!

nice fish.......just the head and the tail....pretty display

Bern, errrr, errrrr, michelle??....and WY

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