Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gus - Te Amo

Time and tide waits for no man. When we were young, time seemed to drag. Now, we wish for more time. I have been saying " i not only need to make ends meet, but i need to make time meet too"
Gus wanted to talk to me urgently this morning, so i called back to Panama only to end up in tears. He didn't know how to tell me and he didn't want to worry me for the news he knew about 2 months back. He has cxxxxr. One of his kidneys were also removed. A tumor was removed a couple of months back too...My tears just flowed down. Gus is 1 person I love so much when in Panama. I just cannot handle my emo at that time. But he is brave. Despite the fact, he said that he is not upset nor fear. He just didn't want to leave Andreita alone. She won't be alone, Gus....At this time of desperation, look more to God. Increase your faith in Him. He will not leave you. Unlock the door of your heart and let Him in. Only He can help you now. Read Psalm 23 too. Keep repeating this verse. I will also pray for you. God is waiting and He wants to listen to you now, talk to Him......
If i have the chance, i will fly down to visit you. Even if i can't, my thoughts are always with you. Be strong, God will be your strength. Believe and trust in Him....We will win this battle. Gus, you will be the witness for those people in Panama who doesn't know God. You will stand up to testify God's glory. His grace and mercy. His love for all of us. Much as I love you a lot, God's love is countless times greater than my love for you............
saw this in Ocean Park, can you spot the typo?

my rehearsal schedule for GDOP 2008

Clinton's salmon special!! I wished for the whole fillet!!

Very very delicious soup!

Hmmm, woke up this morning to see little cocker on plushy...

plushy's leg is hanging on the edge,..reminds me of dimples

those tails......if ony they were real...wag wag wag

my creepy crawler friend....they are so harmless. I used to be afraid of them but not anymore

side view of creepy crawler...they are about less than 1 inch height, 1/4 inch width and both ends are these tiny weenie antennas that helps them to crawl on the walls....

taxi door without lock and to open from inside????

that's Wah....all locked up....

ok, it is all fenced up in the taxi for safe reason...

what an isolated town......JiangMen

Hahahaha, quiet or not, DIL makes sure that she smiles for a pose, but look at Wah's expression...hehehehehe

since it is an isolated twon, we dined in.....that's Jovies on the right and Margaret on the left. And Wah's hand....

Friday, April 25, 2008

Awwwww, no title again?

it's been a tough week again, but thanks God, it is already weekend without work.
woke up and felt a sharp pain on my lower back. I yelled in agony but there wasn't anyone. Cyn and Uncle left for their trips. So, I had to rest until I was more comfortable to get up from the toilet!!!

it could be my posture all these while. I don't think that the side effects of my medicine are the cause.
Going to office only to find out that the server was down and MIS can only come after lunch. So at least, it gave me time to do some filing. Read those emails via the HTC, and talking about HTC, i lost the stylus sad, got to find a replacement but where???
i made some cookies......chewy oatmeal. I am waiting for it to cool down before storing away. I got a jar for Clinton. I will make some for Bernard next week...
Cherie will be baptist tomorrow, i got just the right gift for her...hope that she will like the gift. She is still young, a long way to go..... my baptism will be fun as mum wants to fly over...then i will throw my party and mum can cook her famous "bak kng" and "kam chye duck"....ahhh, drooling........
ok, massage time......happy week ahead.....
look, little dino, so small and light as a feather....
this is pebbles, she is already 13 yrs old....she has dropped fur, she is still very active, but blind. she looks like a sheep now.....
this is mummy quincy.....taken during CNY 08...she didn't want to take with the Rat figurines as it reminded her of Gege, so i made her stand beside this cherry blossom.....

Eway's new office opening, but cynthia said that i cannot eat them as they were blessed by the Chinese Deities......

had to wear the face mask every time i go for checks in the hospital. I must be boring that i had to snap this????? hahahahahah

hazy hong kong.......

can you see kowloon?? the weather was bad that day......

the straight looking first time eating it and i puked.....

Monday, April 21, 2008

4/19 SAHK DND 2008

It was T3 on sat, 4/19 and we are having a DnD at the Conrad....But how am I to make it? It was pouring and it was flooding outside my balcony with at least 6 inches of water!!!! the pipings must be made poorly. Why aren't the waters flowing down? How, how, how am I to make it there?

I decided that I will put on my jeans instead, so if i get totally soak, i still have my black one to wear for the dinner. Thanks God, i managed to whisk myself there on time for the briefing. The ballroom was made up beautifully. It was impressive. I was to sit with WY, Maggie to register names and hand out their lucky draw tickets. Well, you can expect a total mess. WY had a good idea, split the tables. So I paired with WY while Maggie paired with Michelle. Haiyoh, this Michelle doesn't seem to understand our thoughts. WY clearly mentioned that tables 1 to 10, send the guests to our side while tables 11 onwards, should go to their side. Still, she was asking me to give out tickets e.g table 3. Hello!!!! Table 3 doesn't belong to your side, send them here, GET IT? No, she doesn't understand....Nevermind....WY reminded them again....

Anyway, to cut it short, we finished giving out the tickets from our side and we are left with just 1 ticket...yippee.....while theirs had lots of tickets left....

Comedian Kumar was superb! Good job, clap hands clap hands...bravo bravo..we enjoyed much...Food was good although I am not a Chinese food lover. The postre was excellent tho, finished by a nice merlion graphic chocolate....yum yum....

oh, talking about yum yum, we did a "yum seng" but it wasn't that fun. Kumar was "huh??"...ok, no need for another time. Sit down. He was also poking at the server for not putting on a smile. But they obviously didn't know that he was referring to!

Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, got to sleep now.......

Can my 2 friends talk to each other? why get upset because of a little misunderstanding? Haiyoh haiyoh..... Must pray for them to let go of any grudges....Oh Father God, please touch and soften their hearts. I want them to talk and be happy like before. I missed the laughter, the buggings, etc.... Each of us got our stress, but we shouldn't carry over for long and throw our shits at each other. I pray for their reconciliation.

look, and he said that he was deeply in thoughts......Nah, he just dozed off.....

my friends, that's he, she, she, and

WY, Mag and Kristin

Eleanor and Cyn

That's ME!!!!!! look how happy i am.....nowadays!

the postre worth waiting for......que bueno!!!

the merlion graphic chocolate that went straight into my deep unknown...hehehehe

the future sexiest couple!

mum and daugther

and who got the fish? she, of course!

nice fish.......just the head and the tail....pretty display

Bern, errrr, errrrr, michelle??....and WY

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Friday's post

sigh, last night i was super mad with tons of work and i kinda threw on Cyn. Not by words, but by actions...I shouldn't have done it. That is why I am asking for forgiveness.

i don't know if she is aware that i am in a struggle of work battles now. I felt that job assignments are not properly given out to respective personnel. I have my limits too. There are only that much I can do or fulfill, my hands are all tied up.
talking about happy things now....i signed up for Foundation Course starting on 5/4 at 9am. I am also signing up as Alpha's helper, this time we will probably in worship again. I also want to be able to pray for others just like how others prayed for me. Holy Spirit, please help me....
Woah, i have some activities lining up in May already. Nancy called and invited me to Tsuen Wan on 5/1. Some home made Malaysian menu....yum yum....Come 5/10, we might have a boat trip and i am looking forward. On 5/18, i am booked for a dinner at Royal Plaza in Mongkok. What more is instore? I am sure lots.....
Bernard called me in the office and we had a chat. He is quite fun to chat because his cantonese is like mine, singing type......hahahahaha......He wanted me to meet another "lao siang char bo", so he will arrange for that opportunity during Alpha. He will go for this Sat DND....but there is a long story behind this guy......sigh
today's news on Asiaone is "i cannot find a word to describe". About this Indonesian guy who has warts. It is unbelievable at the 1st sight. I will pray for him. Thanks God that there are doctors around to help him.....He is slowly recovering, but he needs more surgeries....Here is the link if you want to watch the short clip:
now, photo time :

Look, another pair of specs......hehe

our dorm at St Stephen's......That's Angel....

The garden

This place is super huge!! That's Amelda, Susan and myself, Angel's is the phtographer. Imagine, just the 4 of us in this place, all to ourselves....

and my gel summer colors....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

God is real!

When I am old and weary, I can forget names, I can forget events, I can forget faces, I can forget surroundings, I can forget everything but don't let me forget My Wonderful God. The God that is feeding me with pure blessings. The God that is so true. There is none others like Him.

I used to lament why God took things from me. I couldn't understand why. I used to say to friends : "before I knew God, I had everything...but why God took away??"

But I was wrong. Those things didn't belong to me. I had to forego it.

God showed me the hard way of learning as He molds me stronger each day. Nevermind about my silly laments, He's always there. And I never knew it until recently. For those who knew me before would notice this change in me....

I shared this with my group last week. I was stressed up one day, I don't know if I was daydreaming or a vision. God called me. I saw God's arms opening to me. God was dressed in white robe. I was immediately transformed into a little girl. I was no longer Corrine in my present age. I ran to God and He lifted me up and patted me on my back. And He laid me back on the ground. I SAW GOD! How can I not realised until now? As I am posting this paragraph, I am recalling it. Oh gosh, I really saw GOD! Oh Father God, it is an honor to see You. Your hair is silver and wavy. I am in an overwhelming state right now! Tell me if I was daydreaming??? I have to believe that this is real....I met GOD....

I need to tell my group tomorrow. I have to tell them....I have to share this. It will be an encouragement for those who are not save yet, those who doesn't know Him. I have to tell them that GOD IS REAL!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

only but a dream

"You ok, dear?" I nodded as you held my hands with protection and led me into the restaurant..I remembered that there was a wedding banquet. We sat down at the cosy spot. You just knew me so well that i dislike crowds....your charm's still around, just like the very 1st day i met you...All these happenings are but only a dream, Yes, I dreamt about you....

Those 5 years we shared together. Every moment was precious....We treasured it so much...And your handwritten weekly letters whether posted locally or overseas, I read them over and over again. You never fail to surprised me...My friends envied me....You taught me how to carry myself in society, you changed me...but then, you spoilt me too! You gave me so much that i don't know how to handle.

it was a painful decision for me to break the ice but i really had no choice. It was the best way otherwise the situation will be very awful....I hope that you will understand why i chose to stay away from you.

why did i dream of you? Are you alright? my thoughts are with you even though we are apart. If you ever need me, write to me....I will be there.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

weekend post

Ok, lots of things happening.....but all is fine, thanks God!

the only thing is my busy workload that left me with little time. There were days that i just don't want to wake up from bed...hehehehe, but nowadays, when my eyes are slowly opening, i will greet God good morning. and believe it or not, I become wide awake after that.....hahahaha

oh, yesterday, i removed my lens for resting.....and i am in my glasses now...hehehehe, Beverley glanced at me like it cannot be corrine.....hahahaha...Ada was why are you in glasses? well, i just didn't want to put them on, I don't want to bother about looks now...i just want to be healthy...

I think that DIL should make her decision about this r/s...She deserve to be treated better. How can he be so insensitive to her needs. The tears she shed so far? You never know because you are....irresponsible. You are not worthy. Go away, stop hurting her....You know, DIL is lucky to have good friends around her to help/listen/share when she is down, and she has most importantly, God....

Oh, i had a dream about this book and i wondered if this book exist. It is called God wants you to worship Him......What is the dream about? Is God telling me to tell a book? hahahaha, i can't! what to write? I am so new! Tell me more in another dream......

Here are some pictures below :

Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7th many things to do despite of my clearing up during the long goal was to leave at 6pm for Alpha today. Rush rush rush, and at 6pm i was still working. I want to go, i had to go.......Oh gosh, my emails still neverending at this point. 7pm came and i was still working......I HAD TO GO!!!!!! At 7.50pm, i decided to call for the cab, and cab was somehow around the corner!...AMAZING, cos normally it takes 10 mins or more for the cabs to i grabbed the toilet's key (must remember to return tomorrow), went for a quickie, went downstairs, boarded the cab, and hey what happened next? The Eastern Tunnel had traffic not moving at all. Haiyoh, why now??....the driver had the initiative to divert and we went the longer route but no jam, no cars......i alighted, i ran, i climbed the stairs, i entered the doors, i tipped toed..... Strange.....i heard couldn't be, the video should be playing at this time, why singing?? I looked into the rooms....clinton and ivan was practicing the songs on stage......Ahhhhhhh, clinton saw me and he said : YOU MADE IT!!!! then followed by slight applause from the room....paisey....He repeated again : YOU MADE IT, EH?

Yes, I made it to Alpha. Timing was just perfect, some slight delays i supposed, but i had time to eat a little......Thank You, Father God!!! You made it possible for me. It seems like the clock paused....Thank You, otherwise, i won't have made it today.

Today marks Papa's anniversary. It's been 13 year since he left. I won't forget......But i know that we will meet again. Papa, remember to surrender yourself to our Wonderful God. Although you don't know Him at all, you will still have another chance to know Him during judgement day...just say Yes, ok? I love you too Papa.....

Saturday, April 5, 2008

words get in my way

I realize you're seeing someone new, I don't believe she knows you like I do, Your temperamental, moody side, the one you always try to hide from me..

I realize that I have nothing to write this week. How come, my mind is blank but yet I know that I have things to write about. How come I can't type out?

Maybe I need a break away from the computer.........