Saturday, March 29, 2008

updates again

i wonder if i have recuperate from all the hours of sleep?

although it's sunny and kinda humid today, i am wearing a sweater??!! Erge called me and i was still in a daze. my eyes just couldn't open....paisey, erge......thanks for your concern still....

i began to think about my heavy workload. i want to run away but i can't. i want to take a break but i have to wait??? then i should drop this idea....the reason i wanna break is to get away from work immediately, not wait until my shipments are out, because by the time shipments are out, then i am more relax and i don't see the urge to run away....i am struggling from missing details, missing this and that, everything is in a total mess.....haiyoh...and i am still trying to fit those charts...trying to know the new accounts better, and the factories are really a hard nut to crack....not helpful.....

am i holding on to too many active ones? can someone take away portion of my work? i only can cope with that many hands (2 only). i am not an octopus with more hands (tentacles).... today, i suddenly want to break down and cry. Maybe it is because DIL is not around to laugh with me. I miss her.....where is she? i hardly have a relaxing time at the office. i know that i shouldn't be complaining but i need to sound myself out. i really missed my lady of leisure days/ work, just shopping, lazing, cooking, baking, vacations......

my toe is injured...i tripped over the marble bar while going to the toilet...OUCH! it hurt! i am limping a little because the pressure made it more painful...sniff sniff....
Still, after writing, i felt much must have lifted me, carried me like a little baby and petting me on my back......ok, i am fine now......

ok, 2 pictures this time...

my painted gel nails..i'm changing this weekend again........

my injured toe...ouch ouch ouch

Thursday, March 27, 2008

datin nua nua

woke up to prepare myself for work. Took a shower and i got sick again in an instant. i vomitted....and then i felt weak. cynthia said that it was the chill. so i slumped back onto the sofa, now my head is spinning, so i tilted my head a little. my shoulders are aching.

is it the weather? or is it my immune system? same question kept haunting me : how can i fall sick so easily??

so nua nua and i will be alone this weekend....i will snuggle into bed then....

past over wed-thurs, fri's here

last night, i had the shivers again. i knew that i got a virus because my heart beat was between 50 to 59. But why again? i cannot understand why i am having such frequent attacks. cynthia prayed together with me silently. i trusted God even more and continued to recite Psalm 23. I felt that this was the only prayer that can give me comfort. i think that i need to carry face mask to avoid catching viruses is like almost every week!!! Yikes!

i felt weak this morning and continued to sleep on until 2ish. my throat was dry, and my nose was blocked. and i was hungry greedy, i ate up my sandwich...followed by medicine, and some health supplements which i bought last evening after being convinced by my friend....oh, my anti-oxidant in my body is at its weakest after a scan result so this is why my body cannot fight viruses, bacteria, etc. So now that i bought my health supplements (certified by my friend who was a biochemist), i am going to take it and monitor. Anyway, money guaranteed, i can return if i don't see any improvements.

chong is right : in order not to let my friend worry about me being in hk, i should go out and start enjoy myself. staying home will not do much good. i reckon that he has some outings arrange for me...hehehe....oh gosh, he was a straight A student, no wonder he got the scholarship to go to US for guy! he bought some grapes & oranges just thoughtful....he told me about cigars & funny! and then i told him about my louis XIV encounter at Awana. SCREAMMMMMMMM.......i won't forget the server!!! bad, bad, bad....lols. Chong went "HAIYAH!!!!!!" with a slap on his to do? it really happened at Awana.....

hmmm, bernard called me today. Looking for another apartment. let me see if some help can be extend to him...he doesn't sound good tho......haiz, i hope that he is fine, chong will call him tomorrow anyways....

it's friday tomorrow, have a happy weekend........oh, lunch with chong on sunday, maybe bernard too......what shall we eat??? hmmmmmmm, anything that yummy....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

for mummy

"Dear all,
Mummy got her ultra scan results yesterday. She has multi nodular goitre. Doctor has arranged for more tests as one of the nodules suggests cancerous. It will be ultrasound guided with fine needle aspirate on 10th April at 8.15am. Procedure will take roughly 1 to 2 hours."

This sms came in at 7.20pm today. And what can I be thinking of? Honestly, I don't know but I will commit Mummy to Him and I truly believe that healing already took place. Mum herself must surrender herself totally, then only she can be set free of this locked chain.

God help those who help themselves. You must still seek help/care from professionals. That is where God slips his miracle touch, thru them......You must not be stubborn. Don't take the chance. Don't even procrastinate further. Go as scheduled. Fear not for God will be with you. Walk into the hospital with beaming face. You will be filled with God's presence, God's love....

Continue your walk with Him. You can see that in times of trouble, He doesn't forsake you. He wants you to rely on Him.

Let go of the fears.....You will be fine as He promises....May you have the peace within yourself. I love you.....lots

Monday, March 24, 2008

Laline & my subnick

Laline asked me : Mum, after years of residing in HK, i want to know why Jesus was put on that cross. I frowned at her. What do you mean that you don't know? Weren't you taught during masses? No, she was taught, she didn't know... i quickly took out the Passion of Christ and gave it to her. I had a spare disc and i started sharing what i knew. i was surprised that lots of catholics didn't know much. Then she asked me about The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit. She said that The Father meaning Joseph, The Son meaning Jesus, The Holy Spirit meaning those ghosts......I almost fell off my chair. NO! NO! NO, it's not Joseph. And NO! NO! NO, the Holy Spirit are not those ghosts....By now, Laline was completely confused. So in simple broken English, I said : Joseph is not The Father, here we meant God. Joseph is only biological human father to Jesus. Can you tell the difference now, i asked...

i told her that she should for studies. She said that she used to attend El Shaddai but because she didn't like the pastor, so she quit. I told her that she will be going to learn the word, not to like or dislike the pastor. She dislike because the pastor was asking for tithes and she has this thought that they are pocketing for themselves. She mentioned that some pastors in Phils were filthy rich too. I guessed that many people have this same concept when talking about tithes. Hmm, must add this to prayer list. They only see things at a short distance but they lack the eyes to see further. It will take time for them to understand.

Ok, my subnick on MSN/FB has created some friends to nudged me about the Big Day. All i can say is please be patient, the good news and date will be out soon and a celebration will be held in HK definitely.

Oh, i repainted my nails, will post the pictures when i get back to the office.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Worthy is the Lamb

we arrived at St Stephen's around 5ish, Angel and me had a double room!! And what more, there were only 4 of us located at the west wing. Just 4!! can you imagine how big the wing is, and just 4 of us!!! Creepy but it was fine.

we were really sceptical about camp, but we went totally wrong. It was excellent. we played games indoors and outdoors. and i learnt many things too. i shared with my group how i quit smoking, i know that there will be temptations but i am going to try with His help. and also about my tattoo. I will not have it laser....I am no longer ashamed of my past and i can move forward now.

for the first time, i prayed for Angel aloud with other mates. Patsy was suppose to pray but i don't know what happened and i was the one who prayed in the end. All these while, i only can write prayers on chats. Pastor Ken was right : ask and it shall be given but we also need to open our mouth. I am learning to pray and understand God better. i felt like a baby hungry for milk.

God touched so many of us the other day. He love us. And if we love Him, we must love others too. It's a tough task but we have to try and try. It is not easy for the clay to be mold into perfection but maybe will lesser cracks. i want my God to be stroking my head, patting my shoulders, i want to be 1 of his favorite children....there is no other god greater than this GOD.

Today we celebrated Jesus's Resurrection. Tears were just overwhelming when the video clip was played. He bore the pain for our sins. A needle slightly pierce into my finger and i will be yelling. Jesus was nailed with inches long ones. He was a perfect sacrifice. He died on the cross for all of us.

Thank you for the cross Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace
Thank you for this love Lord
Thank you for your nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace
Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious
High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My thursday

i am still struggling with work right's emails seemed to reply? how to deal? what to do? how? how? how? i am juggling between 4 accounts. can i really cope? i wonder........

last night, i decided to make some muffins. Used egg whites so it is healthy, but the frosting doesn't seem so....hehehehe......i steamed instead of baking. The first batch was beautiful, opening like a flower......but i didn't take any of the pictures except for the frosted ones...

i am camping over the weekend at Stanley. i don't know if i am feeling excited now. i am not pack, i am not ready....hehehehehe.....and i am still stuck in the office, working thru the issues.

cherie is coming over to stay with me tonight. that cutie must be super duper happy about it. She might make onde onde too....but she will have to sleep on the floor, no bed available....

ok, gotta work a little first.....write more when i get back from camp....

happy easter everyone! see pictures below

my muffins........

pretty right? still need more practice........and the right icing, not frosting~

my sceptical lips as my muffins slowly rise.....

tired of waiting........are the muffins ready?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My monday

Angel couldn't attend class so i went by myself. Had a long talk with Patsy. She felt much better and she diverted her mind set at work, so it helped. Good for her.

Elsa was super freshed and she was giggling. She is a teacher and classes were stopped due to the flu virus....She was happy, no doubt.

We were worshipping 2 songs, Here I am & Amazing Grace when suddenly we heard a loud "PONG". Someone's chair gave way and he was seated on the floor now. Julie and Cherie were singing from stage, but Julie saw and tried to control. Cherie didn't see or else she will burst into laughter. I was trying my best not to giggle but i actually did. Haiyoh, please forgive me. I didn't mean it. It could happen to me too. And i wanted to ask the guy if he was alright, but i forgot about it.

Last night, Cherie needed a sponsor for the camp and i volunteered. After paying, I said this : "Oh, God is great, at least i have $20 for transport."

Then Julie was short of money too, and i took out my last $20 note together with Bernard. And i said this : "i have no money left in my bag but i do have an Octopus Card." Everyone broke into laughter.... I felt closer to them. They are like "my family".

I related about my heart palpitation and the ECG, long lead tests i went thru yesterday. And without delay, Cherie kept rubbing and soothing my back. For someone so young at her age, she touched me lots. I felt better and i forgot about the discomfort i had.

I enjoyed the bus ride with Julie & Cherie. God must have arranged for the extended time because there was an accident so the bus journey lasted more than 20 minutes. And we got to know each other better.....

Monday, March 17, 2008


We sorted out the prizes for lucky draw. Still have lots to do. Gotta start doing else we will run out of time. Seemed that the planning this year is rather "lousy". it is hard to gather people together. still, we will just do our best......

decided to go to the hospital again for fears that the new medicine could have some side effects on me. My heart was palpitating fast and i dislike that kind of feeling. Dr Ma took my pulse and decided that i go for another ECG plus long lead immediately. The results came out negative, and my heart framed normal, thanks God, but what could have caused my heart to palpitate so fast? And i had discomfort around it and that made me feeling worst. He gave me some night medicine and advised to come back on next Wed or Thurs if i still feel yukky which i will have to undergo another assessment again.

sigh.........i am yawning away...i have been feeling lethargic, i don't want to go out but i just want to rest more at home....i feel more comfy this way.

Friday, March 14, 2008

no title

in your eyes & heart, i am not worthy. i was aware of the talks/gossips behind my back since years ago but i don't bear grudges against you. i might not be worthy in your eyes, but to God, I am the apple of His eyes and it is already comforting.

i don't dislike you, but i will try to keep my distance if possible. i won't get angry with you because it is not my choice. I won't let your upset mood affect me because i have better things to worry about. i don't want to be negative anymore.

i don't need anyone's support because i have Him who is and will be my best support forever.

i won't rely on anyone because i know that i can rely on Him. He will carry and lift me up whenever i need it. He will lead me thru good and bad times.

i know what is mine and what isn't mine. I won't cross your path....

last week's been a super busy one. Sorting out new projects, new charts, new requirements. But i still managed to do some errands despite of the schedule.

i cannot wait for a break during Easter. I am making cupcakes and already excited about it. Barbie said to keep it simple. I was thinking of a sweet lavender & white topping. Well, let's see how it goes. I think class will be thrill!!! I am already

ok, i want to go cosy home...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

FYEs only

just pictures and captions....Lols....

ok, i miss this bunch very very much!!

hope to get another photo like that end of this year....

how can i not miss these babies too?

MD!!!!! see me catching him? hehehe

NT with bear, but not me...sigh

B, WY, I...sorry for the blurred photo...

went to the Peak with new buyer....such a beautiful sight...

went into Bubba Gump, obviously when you are hungry, it should be run food

and i had to stop them because i was filled up to the top

the drinks menu on a pingpong racket but where is the ball? they said that i have to buy that....Geez...

a cool sporty parked opposite my house. The driver was watching TV while waiting for someone....

a simple design only....just 4 little petals....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Especially for ......

"if i am in love with another race, what would my parents and siblings think? How will they react?"

well, I would very much want my parents to give me their blessings and support. And they should feel happy for me because I can finally find love.

I would be sad if i don't get such support and it will drive me into a closure again. Being in love is not an easy thing, it's fated and arranged by God.

God made us in different colors, but we are the same - human made out of feelings too. There are many people who married other races and can still lead a happy life.

i only ask for the support & blessing. Can you give that? Can you understand the tension?

i am not empty

i have been so overwhelmed by work last week that i decided to disappear on chat lines. It is not easy to understand new customer's requirements instantly, so this has taken time. And to top it worst, another new customer was around, so i cannot juggle and focus properly. But i am not going to pressure myself. I shall plan the time management with His help and I will be able to submit my reports back to Canada, hopefully by tomorrow.

I paid a HK$4980 nail package yesterday which i thought was a good deal but my friends said that it was a ripped off. The package consists of 10 gel nails session + 1 free gel nail session + HK$800 hand drawn pattern nails each time which they will offset each time when i get a new design hand drawn on my nails. I don't know, but i guess that i will have to be more careful when handling matters like this next time.

After residing here for slightly more than 2 years, i do find some culture differences. I like this place better now but there are many things that they can improve. it might take them some time before we see the change. But what the heck, it doesn't matter now. I still like them and love them....hahahaha

this morning, Pastor Benintendi's wife Linda sang during service. And i caught Pastor's face as he looked at his wife. He was so proud of her. She sang with clear vocal together with 4 others. It was a combination of different hymms. I don't really enjoy hymms but this one, ROCKS!! I didn't have time to make a recording, but this melody will linger on me for a while....and I received a new "heart" this morning. Thanks Father God.

I am sleepy, it is only 1630 hours.....i want to crawl back into bed and recuperate.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

why throw an innocent puppy?

try throwing yourself off the cliff! Marines are now probing a soldier who threw a black & white puppy off the cliff ! That poor puppy, looking barely 5 months old?? i was swelling up in tears when i read the newsflash. Read the link for the fully story :

How can he bear to do that? what did the puppy do to deserve such an ending? bite his genitals or bite off his favorite photo? That marine (let's named F) is sick in his mind, sick everywhere. And the one who helped to video is no different from F. He could have stopped F, but he didn't and he even said that "That was mean". People who cannot protect but yet abuse don't deserve to be near in our society. They deserve to be serving life term, cutting away from the rest of us.

I hope that the higher authorities will ensure that some justice is done. We cannot let F away like that. Boos to his family. If you had educated him properly, he won't be throwing puppy off the cliff. Who knows? this is probably 1 of his sick acts only. There might be more out there.

we should defend the helpless. Why does the bad people always end up having their own fun?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

shopping spree - O.M.G

is it depression or it is just for the sake of owning it? i walked into Sogo to the Biotherm counter to get a concealer because my dark rings...sniff is getting obvious now. After paying for it, i went to the 2nd floor to look at more stuff and a Longchamp bag caught my attention, but the price was around HK$4900 after discount. Somehow, i didn't quite it so i went on walking and found myself on the 1st floor again. And my legs walked me into Prada.
the initial plan of just buying a concealer

Hmmm, nice stuff they have this season. And i walked to the shoes counter and asked for my size. But because their warehouse was upstairs, it will take a while for the shoes to get to the shop. And so i waited, started walking around again. AND a bag caught my attention! so i picked it up and look at the mirror...hmmm, not bad, the price was HK$5400. The service guy also recommended the other size but somehow this one suited me better. The shoes came and somehow it didn't fit and i asked for a smaller size. Again i had to wait. I went around again and decided that i will get myself a nice Prada shades. And after trying so many pairs, i settled for one which is really me and the price was HK$2000...hehehehe....And then, me and my itchy-fart mouth, turning to the service guy, i said that i wanted a nice accessory for the bag. After running thru most of the accessories, i settled for this cute heart full of beadings. Ooh, my total damages was HK$8600. But you know what, i think that i am happy about it. I will post the pictures a.s.a.p.....and you will agree that it is worth it.

my first yes to this bag!

the 2nd yes to this pair....

this is my itchy-fart mouth looking for an accessory....LOLs
and the last stop was Sasa, looking for lipgloss. Picked up 3 colors, went straight to the counter. The cashier saw me, took my lipgloss, but she suddenly attended to her colleague who talked to her. After she finished, she couldn't even remembered that i was standing there. And then came a domestic helper placing her stuff on the counter. So the cashier asked who was here first, cheekily the helper said that she was. I just turned around and said that i was here first, so please know your queue. I wonder if she understands. I am not humilating anyone but she does need to know some manners.
my 3 new lipgloss :)
oh, accompanied cyn to the hospital because she had abdomen pains. Too bad, my doctor wasn't on duty, so she had to see another doctor who wasn't that got medicine for 3 days, so hopefully the pain will go away.

i had mui choy with steamed minced pork and rice while cyn had the clay pot. it was delicious. I really like my meal and kept some for tomorrow's lunch...heheheheheheh

awww, the weekend ended just like that. I will be busy like a bumble bee for the whole of next week. Father God, please grant me wisdom and strength for my work, help me be more organize than before, may favors fall on my side with these 2 new accounts. Thank you for the countless blessings....Amen.