Monday, July 21, 2008

My letter

Dariela suggested that I write a card or letter. In fact, I was planning to but was afraid that my Spanish wasn't broad enough to express....So I decided to write in English, sent to Mayde & Dariela and they can pass to the family.....Here it goes, written in 30 mins as they were preparing for the mass :

"I am at loss of words. My heart broke into pieces when I learned of the sudden, unexpected passing of Gustavo, and I cannot imagine the depth of all your sorrows. I wish I had words to comfort and sustain you all in your grief, but I know there are none that will take away any pain you all are feeling now.

My heart aches for you all, and my arms long to embrace you all. Although Gustavo is no longer physically present, it doesn't mean you all cannot continue to love him in his absence. The precious memories you all have of him will bring you all comfort.

Please accept these words as my warm hugs to wrap yourselves in, and know that I am holding you all in my heart at this sad and difficult time. It would be so much better if I could convey my condolences in person. But at the very least right now, I want you all to know that I am out here and my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad and difficult time.

Gustavo is and will always be living in my heart. He will always be my brother from Panama. There are many more to speak of this wonderful brother...A brother so caring, so loving without any conditions and without any favors. I will keep all the beautiful memories we had shared.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do. You can call Mayde or Dariela and they will know how to contact me. Please don't hestitate...

Wishing you all peace and healing,
Corrine Chan"

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