Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday 13th

Ah, it is friday 13th today and the skies are's gloomy too....

I'm doing my nails more diamonds as it tends to drop off after 3 i will stick to traditional hand painted...i wonder what design...hmmmm

Kenny G's music always made me melt....i feel like i'm dancing in the arms of my love...hehehe...his music does bring back some of those romances....i can never bring it back, but at least i can smile about it..... :)

this week has been a chore...i am tired but have to go on....i need to be the little train trying to climb up the hill...choo choo, i think i can, choo choo, i think i can....and the train made it to the top....slowly.

i am comtemplating if i should go home for a short break or go to nearby places. i just need to refresh myself, go to a retreat and then feel better.....hahahahaha.....

ok, gotta sign off.....happy weekend....

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