Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
Happy birthday to me.....

It is another year older, another year wiser....

i decided that i won't be working on this day just in case i receive some nasty emails....hehehehe

so i shall do my face spa, facial, hair treatment and if i have the time, i might go for body massage....

Hmmmm, it is raining again.....

Yawnnnnnnnnn, sleepy now.....Good nitesssssssssssssssssssssssss

thanks! to my wonderful family and friends for all the touching greetings and wishes.....

Monday, June 23, 2008


I wish that love would come and take me in the arms.
Show me what I've never known.
Where I could hold someone's words like right and wrong
Just fade away like yesterday..............

Where is it? I don't know anymore......

I just felt so alone and i just had to cry out. What happened? Why am i so weak now? What happened to strong headed me?

yes, i need to remind myself that God is far more important than what i am facing or going thru. Only He can make things change for the better.

i must learn to let go.....

Thursday, June 19, 2008

ah, happy happy

if all goes well, this will be my room!!!! own room!! i haven't got my own room since is not big but i am contented....

i want to decorate it pink...hehehehe, but i guess that i can't do it because the owners would prefer not to change or touch any thing original....

anyway, please pray that the owners will let us lease......and we will be priority in line.....

nice, right?

should be sufficient to put my things...hehehe

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday 13th

Ah, it is friday 13th today and the skies are's gloomy too....

I'm doing my nails more diamonds as it tends to drop off after 3 i will stick to traditional hand painted...i wonder what design...hmmmm

Kenny G's music always made me melt....i feel like i'm dancing in the arms of my love...hehehe...his music does bring back some of those romances....i can never bring it back, but at least i can smile about it..... :)

this week has been a chore...i am tired but have to go on....i need to be the little train trying to climb up the hill...choo choo, i think i can, choo choo, i think i can....and the train made it to the top....slowly.

i am comtemplating if i should go home for a short break or go to nearby places. i just need to refresh myself, go to a retreat and then feel better.....hahahahaha.....

ok, gotta sign off.....happy weekend....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Lunar Bday to me...hehehe

I want my noodles today.....It's traditional to eat that on the Lunar day....Mee Suah, but do they have it in HK? Lols

Lunch was yummy, Lodeh with fried wings......and then i received 2 sweet surprises on my desk. A Crispy Cookie from Beverley and A Tiramisu Cake from Kalangkabok!!!! So so nice of them to do that....Thank you Gals!

Geez, I don't feel like working so hard today...Can I go home?? hahaha.....

so nice, cannot bear to eat!

it is called Shrimp Herb


look at this amount of cream......

needless to say, it is super oishi!!

this abalone looks like you think so?

this one turned itself around like 230 degrees.....

the abalones are turning, curling and making themselves increased in sizes...yikes....i was fascinated but yet the end, i gave my portion away after taking 1 or 2 slices....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Dimples

Happy birthday, Dimples......It is not that I forsake you, but i really cannot keep you here. This country's got strict rulings about having pets.

I do miss you..... Your waggy little butt, your long pork chop ears, your spotty spots, your droppy eyes, your pawpaw, your whining, many more...

now, you be a good and obedient gal....don't bark too much and stop being greedy too....i love you!

about 3 months old in Panama, look at her punky front....

near Christmas...Dimples sat here while i was busy wrapping some presents...

Dimples on a Sunday morning..She just didn't want to get up....

We just moved to Marbella....Dimples was taking a nap

Dimples 1st taste of my bed in Singapore after 1 month of quarantine...

just a short one

Enya's voice brought lots of beautiful memories screening down....i missed those happy times....i cannot believe that i'm into my 40s....time flies without a's my birthday month....i don't need any presents, i just want Your blessings....i want to be in the pinkiest health...

i want to smile and be happy just like when i was a toddler. So carefree....As years go, we go thru sadness, misery.....what are the laughters? i can never bring back those times but i know that i make my days happy if i want to. With His help, only it is possible.

He is Love...........forever

Alpha clashes with my Foundation course on Mondays. If i go for Foundation, i cannot be the helper for Alpha. So what shall i do? Not a biggie.......because after sorting out, it would be ideal to go for Foundation on Sundays, then i can still be the helper on Alpha...

oooh, getting hungry......i want to go home......i am still in the office....lols..

God loves you all.....and i love you too.......

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

blue blue

i'm blue, feeling so blue...even typing out the first words, tears are formed up my eyes...i don't know what directions i am heading now. i empty...

what to write? what to say? where's my family when i needed them most? where's DIL? can you feel my sorrows? i'm really totally lost this time, and i'm unsure if i can pick myself up...

my heart is "book" is running out of it is coming to almost end pages....

Monday, June 2, 2008


it's been slightly more than 2 weeks since i last wrote. I was too lazy...hehehe

the last few weeks was all packed with either house seeking or activities with friends. The boat trip was superb. The seafood was excellent. Giles was cute little frenchie bull dog who knows how to beg...hahaha, i made him some steamed chicken. He is really an obedient dog...His muscles are so solid too...

well, i'm moving from CWB to TW end of June. I don't consider it downgrading as some of my friends think so. It is so sad to them saying like they are sneering at me for using such an area...BUT the view is beautiful and no blockage, just like the one in Torre Del Pacifico where i get a sea view... The thing is the space/room. It might be small but i guess that it can be cozy. And Nancy is just on the next block. We can chit chat whenever. The only thing now is we must check on the phone reception as mobile lines might be distorted. You know what, I won't be bothered by them because it is me who's gonna be living there, not them. So why should i care what they said? I am already excited...i hope that the owners are nice people....i will give away some of my things so that i don't have to bring over so many and then i will end up getting nag at....heheheheheh......i foresee myself taking public transport more often. Horse die so walk on the road, Get the meaning of this? is amazing that i am laughing about it. Gone were the days where i will get upset and start blaming on God. I know that God meant well for me. He will not let me handle more than i can. Having changes is not that bad. We get to see more places, get to see other people, etc, etc......I am confident that i will enjoy my new surrounding in TW....

My Alpha leader wants me to lead the group as she won't be around, I doubt that i can do it. I am not ready. Nevertheless, i will pray about it. Tonight's group was great. And it is bigger too. I remembered that we only had like 5 in a group previously. The turnout was fantastic. I have to thank God for speaking into these people's....each one almost had another person to bring!!! isn't that wonderful. And we ended up knowing each other better after each discussion. Now i have more friends....hehhehehehe......

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, tired now.....i want to massage a little before popping on the case you are wondering why i am sleeping on the sofa, it is because i prefer the so called orthopedic bed instead of the soft ikea bed....hahahahahaha