Friday, April 10, 2009

6th April - Serayan's reunion and my 1st puppy love

Joining Facebook was 1 of the best thing I did. My primary school friend A found me. Isn't it amazing? And we are having a reunion this coming 6th. I was excited at first, but now I just want to crawl back into my shell. I don't know why...haha

I was beginning to know A & E (someone i couldn't remember at first, hehe) all over again. And I learnt that L went thru a patch too, but look, who didn't?? L was my 1st puppy love, but it's a 1 sided thingy....and i remembered that he used to kid with me, and from age 10, i always felt that he was around me years went on, L's images did flashed occasionally right up to now.
I called L after obtaining his mobile thru A. I had many things spinning around : what to say? will he remember me? I was going to speak to my puppy love!!! PUPPY LOVE......chuckle....

Arghhhhhhhhhhh, 5 times and he still wasn't picking up. I informed A via msn and she will try later. I tried again, and hey pesto, someone picked's him!!... we spoke for 19 minutes... He sounded cheerful....I was glad...I was....................Happy...

Anyhow, upon my return, I went for a head to toe pampering, wanting to look my best for the reunion. In 1 of the sessions, my beautician made an error on my face. I was dashed down and I text A, informing her that I might not come. How can such a thing happened at this moment.? A was trying to see how we can mend the error. I don't know how. I tried a trial touch up but it was obvious. I was disappointed. I badly wanted to go, and now I couldn't go.....

Mum encouraged me that I should attend. After all, it's been many years that we last saw each other. The hours/minutes/seconds came ticking. I was tight for time. I was behind my schedules. I had it all planned and now I rescheduled some appointments to meet the other.

Now, I was all set to go. The touch up was done, and only A knew.... We met eventually.... How we have grown! From a kid to an adult....From the way we talk in school to the way we carry ourselves in society today. Everyone had changed....Getting to know each other again. From wows, ohs, is it? These were the common words heard that night. And I wouldn't have recognise them if we walk past....

The only thing I didn't enjoy was the meal. It looked spicy for me. And it doesn't look appetizing to me. It wasn't signalling to the brains to eat. Hahaha....I guessed that I am pricky.....Anyhow, it was the company that matters. We were the last table to leave and we went on for coffee to catch up on good times. That night was also another eye opener for me to see how Sgp changed so much. It was my 1st for the places we went...What a mountain tortoise...

We wanted to meet up with Ah Poon, our Pri 6 form teacher. Sharon (she was married to him) called and he will be on his way. Ah Poon still looked good for his age! Wow!

The night ended so quickly as they need to work the next day except me....sniff sniff....We parted ways. I insisted that L sent, hello? I wasn't the only one that tagged on to his car. So that didn't give me any chance to speak to him much. So that was it....

Somehow, I felt a burden inside me.....Something that I couldn't understand. It's been many years, although the images were still flashing, what was it? Another assignment? It beats me.....I want to lift this burden. I need the peace....God, help me......
Thank you God for this very special night.
Thank you A & E for taking time to call and contact the Serayans.
Thank you everyone for coming and sharing their time.....
I miss you all already....
Serayans at Merchant Court

At some coffee place.....I forgot the name.....
Left to Right : Alice, Li Li, Grace & Sharon
Left to Right : Leslie, Edmund & Terence....
Standing : Louis

Left to Right : Me, Leslie & Edmund

Left to Right : Li Li, Alice, Grace, Sharon, Me, Ah Poon & Terence
Standing behind : Leslie & Edmund

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