Friday, February 29, 2008


you came back tipsy. what are you trying to prove? WTF!
Hello, you are not in your teens anymore. Cannot understand your friends at times, must drink until the whole body becomes wobbly, cannot stand up, cannot walk straight, worst, talking nothing but nonsense.

don't start with me again. what do you mean you got tipsy because you didn't know what was on my mind? WTF has the drinking got to do with me??? Yes, i admit that i was upset but your drinking should not be your reason of me getting angry? WTFF!

i don't care what you eat, whether it is just a bowl of porridge and then you all proceeded for drinking. i don't even want to know who they are. And how can you not know that your drinks got mixed? What kind of reply is that?

i dislike people who doesn't know how to hold their drinks. What good does it make them? nothing but a bunch of silly fools making themselves so low in public. Call me proud, i don't care...these are what my thoughts are.

drinking should be a form of relaxation, not gulping down glasses after glasses or mixing them together. Gone were those days whereby we can consume more than limit. Gone were those days whereby our body system can take the excessive liquid. For goodness sake, value yourself.

a long long week

what a long long week....i was given 2 more new accounts. The meeting was so sudden that i wasn't prepared at all. And having to commit to such projects, i am unsure if i made the right decision or not by helping her. I managed to finished 1 master chart this evening and i have 2 more to go and i will have to complete those before i leave for shanghai on tuesday. Travelling is certainly not fun when it is a working trip.

we attended the SAHK meeting and realised that they do need lots of help from fellow countrymen but seemed no support is coming. I wonder if the D&D in April will be a hit. Tables are so expensive ranging from HK$9000 to HK$60000!!!! i'm just keeping my fingers crossed that all will turn well.

cino mentioned to go to macau but it never happen...ALWAYS.
Why lift me up and let me down again and again?? i am not desperate to go but then you must always say and say, and then when i decided to go, you will said tht i go alone becos you don't have $$$...WTF! i am tired of you saying this because your saying of no $$$$$$ will affect me....GET IT??????

V's appeal to MI was not successful, but she got into NYP instead. I really don't think that it is a big problem, she will get use to it in matter of time. She will meet new friends and have great friends.

BMW is stressed up at school and she doesn't know what she is doing at times....but i believe that she can cope well.

suddenly it seemed that the world has fallen upon them but i am faraway, what can i do?
all i can say is i love you all, from Dimples to BMW to V to Brian...

i still owe some photos, i haven't got the time to upload. i was bored that i took snaps of my banana!!! lol! the more i looked at the banana, it reminded me of dimples....wait until you see the photos next week.

doesn't this look like Dimples from front view? compare the middle photo...hehehehehe

Dimples looking like Snoopy dog...

Dimples' similar freckle, don't you agree?

i will be super busy from next week. Sigh, i cannot do my hair time.

haiz, i forgo what else to write......i need a boost of vodka now....cheers!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


sorry for the long delay, but i was plain too lazy to write. Now this is a new chapter, new life, new page.

the weather has suddenly turned cold again. And i was wearing a cap sleeve tee! Ada was annoyed when she saw me wearing so little. She went Blah blah blah.....

i will probably go for my facial and do my hair if time permits. If not, i will do just 1 first. should i keep it straight or add more waves? Brian said that my hair is messy but this is what i like, to look messy.....hahahaha...

oh, i am considered 1 of the committee for Singapore Association, and this coming thursday will be our first meeting. Let's see how we can extend our help. Apparently, they are still negotiating for Kumar to come and perform in the Annual D&D 2008. I want to see Kumar, he is hilarious...Watch him on youtube and you will not stop giggling....

i hope that i can post some photos tomorrow....i really have lots to do....sniff sniff........

Thursday, February 14, 2008


nothing to write anymore.