Thursday, October 16, 2008

Will you be just yourself?

Here I am, yawning again and again......

oh why, do you want to follow? don't you realise that it is getting annoying? in the 1st place, you are not that person. You are who you are. Don't try to impress because it is too fake...

everyone has a personality...when there are changes, it should be the inner self. Not by acting like that person. It is different and what are you trying to prove? i don't get it....Sorry for being blunt. These are facts.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The "slap"

What a "slap" on my face. You totally misunderstood my actual concern. What is the actual point when others asked you a question like that?

We are wanting to walk this trial together but you are the one who is rejecting it. I really don't know what else I can do. In fact, I am the last person to know what is going on because I purposedly didn't want to ask you anything for the last few weeks, thinking that you will update you. But I was wrong. You became upset with others questions and also put me into the picture.

I know that you are upset about the whole issue, but WHO ISN'T? You bottled up all by yourself but it will not help.

Like I said earlier, whenever you think that you want to tell me, I'm open.

Don't be a hero by yourself. There are many others waiting with open arms to help too.

Monday, October 6, 2008

long time no see.....

haven't been blogging for more than a month....almost forgot my pw...hehehe....

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, what to write now....all seemed fine except for some fallen pieces during the month...

i'm just staring at the frame, thinking of what to tell...ok, maybe i should start about my trip home.....and what i had offences to some, it's just my thoughts about it....

Ah Bah - i am worried as he is getting forgetful. i am grateful for the help that he gave mum before. Can you all understand? stop nagging, showing faces, scolding him....we must appreciate him. At home, no one talks to him....isn't it sad? when i grow old and forgetful, i pray that i don't be in other people's way or annoy them...

Mum - rabbit will always be the rabbit...but say what we like, she is still mum. We never know what her real thoughts are. She braved many times in front but no one noticed. deep inside, she must be feeling down...she probably bypass the sadness and chose to be naive which in return posed an annoyance to some others...

Tajie - a strong pillar for the family...despite of her naughty character, she does care. Even if it meant shortening her beauty sleep, she didn't mind. Probably her approach can bring hurt to some others. Looking at the way she treats her Don-don, tajie certainly's got a soft spot for the weak...haha

Erge - NATO, still the same....I seldom interact with him over these years except now. He was nice enough to call me when i arrived home....only hope that he will spend more time with the family instead of his dogs....hehe....

Erjie - i don't know what to say but i have to respect her wishes. She doesn't want to worry others especially Peter and the kiddos. Kiddos are still kiddos...they have their own minds, not realizing the seriousness of an issue. Anyway, pray that all is fine. She needs to eat more often to build the immune and maybe bring back some weight. Not sure if she understands. Maybe she is just eating the regular meal schedule....sigh...

Carolyn - it was only a glance. It seemed like a "Hello Yiyi" and that was it. No other conversation was made. It could be my years abroad so she is not too close to me....i cannot expect too much....As long as she can look after her mum, i should be thankful...

Jaclyn - this little princess seemed to be experiencing the unwanted. Is it too much for her to take at her age? she looked strong but deep inside, I can imagine her weakness. But i believe that she can cope with those.

Shawn - huge!! saw him twice. Once downstairs while he was on his way to school and another time up at his place. We seemed like strangers....doesn't seem to have a aunty-nephew bond. Could it be that I threw my attention to Mervyn and ignore Shawn. How could i have done that? I should have been fair to all my nephews and nieces....

Mervyn - From a very tiny boy, he now overtook my height...hahaha....I remembered how he used to massage my head when having headaches....he was a smiley boy...I want him to be happy and smile more...He would run from the elevator to my place and with the sweet cute voice, he would popped his head and say : Gan Ma.......hohohoho....memory lane...

Kenneth - big boy now....i cannot imagine how we used to fight when he was a boy...yes, i was jealous of this baby...hahahaha.....grandparents doted on him so much....i hope that he will return them with gratitude....they were always protecting him.

Zachary - chubby looking boy....he is really nice deep down. Get to know him, and you will agree. Those games played together with Tajie and him was simply hilarious....and the amount of sweets we got, it is enough to filled 3 bags!

wow, it is 10.30pm and i'm still here.......good thing is a holiday tomorrow.....i want to slack.....hahahahhahaha

haven't written about some others yet...will do so another time....