Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day by day

Even after a week's stay, there are still roaches!!! why why why? the fumigation was done but seemed that it is not working.....I wonder......

I had a good cry last sunday. I had never experienced such...I really sobbed...My face towel was soaked.....I need Him so badly. I need Him to carry me one more time. The message was clear : Live life deeply, Live my day as it is the last....

Day by day, I am beginning to understand God and His purpose. Day by day, I am learning. Day by day, I long to be nearer to Him. Day by day, I sang until my tears are formed. Day by day, I understand why He had to die for us. Day by day, I grew a little understanding, a little learning, a little nearer......

I come to understand that obstacles will make me stronger. I must thank Him, not blame Him. He has been molding me all these while. He is the footprints in the sand...

I got myself a nice speaker for the nano which I intend to use it for the room. It is reasonable and that is why I decided to buy. My curtains are customed made and already paid, so that is another debt off my list....

I am getting excited about my room. I want it to be as cosy as ever....I must write down my wish list for my friends.....hehehehe....

Bed, bed, are you ready yet? I cannot wait to sleep on you!!!

Did you notice my new song for my blog?

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