Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An encouragement for No.4 - Sharon Chan

When we feel we have nothing left to give, and we are sure that the song has ended. When our day seems over and the shadows fall and the darkness of night has descended. Where can we go to find the strength, to valiantly keep on trying? Where can we find the hand that will dry, the tears that the heart is crying?

There's but one place to go and that is to God, and dropping all pretense and pride, we can pour out our problems without restraint, and gain strength with Him at our side. And together we stand at life's crossroads and view what we think is the end, But God has a much bigger vision, And He tells us it's only a bend.

For the road goes on and is smoother, and the pause in the song is a rest, and the part that's unsung and unfinished, is the sweetest and richest and best.
So rest and relax and grow stronger ...Let go and let God share your load. Your work is not finished or ended ...You've just come to a bend in the road.

Sis, you are 1 of God's precious child....Go to Him....Only He can help....Only thru Him, you will find peace, comfort.....Only thru Him, you can be healed....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


This is the day that The Lord Hath Made for me. I was finally baptisted in ICA.

Appreciate lots for coming to witness this day, my thanks goes to :
God, Mum, Florence, Kenneth, Cynthia, Ina, Clinton, Sandy, Nancy, Carolyn, Celing, Vivien, Bernard, Connie, Donna, Margaret, Elaine, WW, Ben, Millie, Sheila, Hui Hui, Simon, Rani, Linda, Ken, Amanda...oops, who else? Yes, and all at home.....

New life, new beginning.....God will be the footprints in the sand....

I had a big bag of goodies flown from home. Yummy stuff! Thanks family!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day by day

Even after a week's stay, there are still roaches!!! why why why? the fumigation was done but seemed that it is not working.....I wonder......

I had a good cry last sunday. I had never experienced such...I really sobbed...My face towel was soaked.....I need Him so badly. I need Him to carry me one more time. The message was clear : Live life deeply, Live my day as it is the last....

Day by day, I am beginning to understand God and His purpose. Day by day, I am learning. Day by day, I long to be nearer to Him. Day by day, I sang until my tears are formed. Day by day, I understand why He had to die for us. Day by day, I grew a little understanding, a little learning, a little nearer......

I come to understand that obstacles will make me stronger. I must thank Him, not blame Him. He has been molding me all these while. He is the footprints in the sand...

I got myself a nice speaker for the nano which I intend to use it for the room. It is reasonable and that is why I decided to buy. My curtains are customed made and already paid, so that is another debt off my list....

I am getting excited about my room. I want it to be as cosy as ever....I must write down my wish list for my friends.....hehehehe....

Bed, bed, are you ready yet? I cannot wait to sleep on you!!!

Did you notice my new song for my blog?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

weekend mess

The house is in a total mess....and manifested with roaches!!!!!! We fumigated but still there are plently...excuse me, we are not talking about 1 or 2, easily can find up to 100 roaches just yesterday!!! YUKES YUKES YUKES......i will show you the pictures taken on saturday only when we went there to put down some things.....i hate it!!!!!! So you can imagine what we got from yesterday's.....YELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....

see the roaches....even those tiny spots are the babies....!!!!

sigh....i was greeted by dead ones at the door

1 side of the living room

the window side had more too!

the kitchen!!

my room

even had 1 in my drawer!!!!

the master room.....i really don't want to post any of these anymore....the toilets were worst!! i think that it is enough to puke you thru....

On the whole, the house itself is nice. We are still trying to fix things soonest.....

i gotta go....need to finish work and get a new bed...Yes, new bed...why? just because the elevator cannot fix in my previous now i have to spend $$$$$$ instead of saving for better usage...Sigh.......

anyway, we kinda celebrated Nancy's birthday, dinner was fine, the cake was even fantastic!!

the yummilicious blueberry cheese cake.....

sandy, nancy and carolyn